We are proud to say that we are the official distributor of ERIEZ MAGNETIC who produces all kinds of magnetic equipment, ERIEZ FLOTATION DIVISION INC who manufactures flotation cells, MULTOTEC SCREENING SYSTEMS who manufactures pumps, hydro cyclones, spirals, gravity concentrators, and polyurethane screen decks, AGG-FLOW and LIMN the plant simulation software, AMPCO MINERAlS and SANME who manufactures all crushing and screening equipment, ZHEJIANG LEHMAN INDUSTRY who manufactures various conveyor belts. Our partners are all worldwide well-known companies in the mining industry.


Magnetics, with 75 years of experience in the United States and subsidiaries in more than ten countries on five continents, manufactures all types of magnetic equipment, including modern industrial and laboratory magnetic dry and wet magnetic separators, metal detectors, metal catchers, and vibrating feeders. ERIEZ FLOTATION DIVISION in Canada is in the field of flotation equipment production and testing, ERIEZ SOUTH AFRICA in South Africa is in the area of all kinds of laboratory equipment production, ERIEZ CHINA in China is in the field of all types of magnetic separators, metal catchers, detectors and mills. In addition, major Mongolian mining companies have introduced ERIEZ’s products and services since 2007.


AMPCO MINERALS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD, a Chinese company joinventured with the United States, was founded by TRIO ENGINEERED PRODUCTS with over 30 years of experience and manufactured high-quality western crushing plant equipment.

Mongolian major mining companies such as Bayan Airag Exploration LLC, Darkhan Metallurgical Plant JSC, and Altain Khuder LLC use Trio brand products with a capacity of up to 4 million tons/year. (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD is responsible for equipment engineering, design, and production and manufactures and supplies high-quality equipment.

Soyolon International LLC is the exclusive representative of AMPCO MINERALS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD in Mongolia.


Established in 1973, Multotec (Pty) Ltd is headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, with offices throughout Africa and global operations through registered companies in Australia, South America, Canada, and Europe.

For 40 years, the mineral processing industry specialist has provided solutions for the mining, mineral processing, petrochemical, and power generation industries, with recent expansion into the process water industry.

Multotec’s equipment is used by mining giants worldwide, and the company’s technical expertise and extensive application knowledge of process flow sheets have enabled it to create application-specific equipment and solutions for its clients.

Multotec specializes in developing and tailoring this equipment for solutions in:

· Screening Media 

· Process Equipment  

· Wear Resistant Lining

· Rubber Wear Lining 

· Mill & Scrubber Lining

· Solid / Liquid Separation  

· Conveyor Belt Fastening Systems

· Process Water Treatment 

· Pump

Metallurgy and mineral processing equipment is used in more than 70 countries around the world.

We are developing optimized technologies to increase production efficiency and decrease costs.


Founded in 1989, Weihai Haiwang Hydrocyclone Co., Ltd. is the largest manufacturer of sorting machines and spare parts in the Asia-Pacific region and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of sorting machines.

Haiwang has offices in more than 10 countries around the world, providing timely technical advice, design, testing, assembly, installation and training services to its customers. ISO9001 Certificate of Quality, ISO14001 Certificate of Environmental Management, OHSAS 18001 Certificate of Occupational Health, Safety and Health.

We export our products to more than 40 countries.